Trotro bus fares in Accra – update June 20, 2018

Trotro bus at Osu, Accra

Our readers may recall our post on June 11, 2018 titled Varying increment of trotro fares in which story we mentioned that there appears to be a variation in the trotro charges in the city, our sampling shows the rate of increase is greater than the publicly announced 10%.

  1. Nkrumah Circle to Accra was GHS 140, is now GHS 160
  2. Nkrumah Circle to Palm Wine at Labadi was GHS 180, is now GHS 2
  3. Accra to Kaneshie was GHS 140, is now GHS 160.

These trotro fares are charged at all operator terminals; suggesting that the GPRTU, Coop and GRTCC have agreed to charge above the publicized 10%.