Passenger safety on the public bus service

bus stop bus in Canada north America

Bus services put a lot of effort into providing a safe and secure travel for our passengers. However, you can also assist! Simply take these easy steps:

  • Know the locations of the windows, ceiling hatches, and emergency exits.
  • Never deviate from your bus operator’s or other transportation officials’ instructions.
  • Children under the age of ten need an adult to accompany them.
  • Inform your bus operator, other transportation officials, or law enforcement about any lost or abandoned items.
  • Keep an eye out for any questionable behavior regarding individuals or packages.

If you see something, say something. Report people who:

  • Look, loiter, or observe passengers and staff suspiciously around the bus stop bus.
  • Pace and appear apprehensive or “jumpy.”
  • Leave things behind and hurry away.
  • Act erratically and cause annoyance to others.
  • In protected transit facilities, use cameras, cell phone cameras, or other photography equipment.
  • Have a weapon on you or give the impression that you do.
  • Wearing a heavy coat on a hot day is an example of apparel that is completely out of place for the temperature.
  • Display symptoms of disease or suffering.

Report suspicious packages that:

  • are positioned in a peculiar, remote area.
  • have wires, batteries, tanks, bottles, or bags that may hold explosives or chemicals connected.
  • seem to be leaking fluid, vapor, gas, smoke, mist, or stink.
  • possess a threatening message attached, or fit the description of a threat that has been made public.

Avoid approaching someone who is acting strangely or touching anything that seems suspect. Call 911 or immediately notify your bus operator, another RTS staff, or a local police officer.

When an emergency arises, “look, listen, and leave.” Keep your cool at the bus stop bus. Additionally, heed the instructions given by transportation officials. Only when instructed by transit officials should passengers evacuate from RTS buses and other public transportation in the unlikely case of an accident or a natural or man-made calamity. City BS services uphold the exacting safety and security standards you have come to expect with your assistance.