Abeka Lapaz Accra trotro route modernized

Accra Circle trotro route to Alajo

The Lapaz Accra trotro route has been modernized to allow more traffic and speed up transit times.  Vehicles from Alajo, Tesano and Avenor no longer wind the underside to reach Adabraka and Accra railways onwards to post office. From the old Orion Cinema, trotro buses will ascend the fly over [North] and descend at the GCB Towers [South], thus avoiding  meandering through traffic from Kanda [East].

In this photo, the North South section of the new Overhead bridge at Nkrumah circle can be seen. The red net in the foreground has been mounted to protect freshly grown green grass under the bridge.  Its been considered that vicinity of roads in Accra look too concrete so the engineers have decided to make the pavement and precincts more organic.