How bus stops are designed and located in cities around the world

bus approaching a stop


The term “stations” can be used to describe the more complex bus stops seen in bus rapid transit systems as opposed to street bus stops. A bus rapid transit line’s bus stops may also be more intricately constructed, with doors separating the enclosure from the bus until it is time to board and level boarding platforms.

A bus stop is a location where people can board and disembark from buses. Bus stops’ design typically reflects the volume of use; at busy stops, there may be seating, shelters, and even computerized passenger information systems; at less-frequented stops. In order to maximize convenience, bus stations are sometimes grouped together into transportation hubs that enable interchange between routes from neighboring stops and with other public transportation modes.


Scheduled stops, where the bus should stop regardless of demand; request stops, also called flag stops, where the vehicle will only stop upon request; and hail and ride stops, where a vehicle will stop anywhere along the designated road upon request, are the three main types of stops for operational purposes.

In congested urban areas with heavy bus traffic, skip-stops are often utilized to increase efficiency and reduce wait times at bus stops. Additionally, the location may determine the fare phases.


Litter bins are a common feature of bus station infrastructure. A rural bus stop in the York Region, north of Toronto, is shown in the picture.
A pole-mounted flag with an appropriate name or symbol is typically the bare minimum. While stops in other locations, including rural Britain, may be made of concrete or timber brick, modern stops are merely steel and glass/perspex structures.

There may be tiny built-in seats in the structure. Advertising may be included throughout the structure in the form of basic posters or intricate lit, movable, or dynamic displays. Interactive advertising has also been included into several installations. When a small local government, like a parish council, is in charge of the stop, the design and construction may be uniform to represent a large corporate or local authority provider, or the installations may be more unique or personal. Separate street furniture, including a bench, lights, and a garbage can, might be present at the stop.


Although they can also be positioned to make a busway easier to use, individual bus stops can just be set up on the pavement or sidewalk adjacent to the road. For traffic management purposes, more intricate installations may involve building a bus turnout or a bus bulb, though using a bus lane may eliminate the need for these. Passengers must cross the bike lane to get to a “floating bus stop” or “bus stop bypass,” which is situated between a road and a cycle lane.

To make switching between routes easier, a number of bus stations might be placed together. These can be placed in parallel or diagonal rows of several stops, or they can be placed in a straightforward row along the street. Bus stop clusters could be essential to transit hubs. A rudimentary bus station is an exterior grouping of bus stops with additional amenities like a ticket office or waiting area.