Demographic information on the people of Accra

Accra in Ghana has a population of 2.6 million, according to the 2023 Ghana census. The indigenes are of the Ga tribe. Increased urbanization and migration, has introduced other ethnic groups and tribes into the settlement.  The main people found in the city are

  • Ewes
  • Gonjas
  • Akans
  • Dagombas.

Nationals from Africa, especially West Africa are also resident in Ghana. There is a large population of

  • Nigerians
  • Nigeriens
  • Malians
  • Togolese
  • Liberians. 

People from the Middle East such

  • Lebanon
  • Syria

live here too.

  • Asians
  • Europeans
  • Americans

can be found here also.

Accra Ghana has the highest number of migrants in Ghana. Due to its cosmopolitan nature, it is the preferred destination for local rural dwellers seeking better opportunities in the capital as well as other continental nationals on diplomatic duty or on business. many also come to this Metropolis to enjoy its upsale lifestyle. 

Why the city faces migration

Some people relocate to pursue education, family reunification, or employment opportunities. Some relocate in order to avoid violence, persecution, or widespread abuses of human rights.

Ewe tribe

The Ewe people are a patrilineal group that inhabits villages, towns, and cities with multiple lineages. The male elder is the head of each lineage. Ewe people hold great respect for their male ancestors, and families have historically been able to identify them. An Ewe family does not in any manner sell the land they hold since it is seen as an ancestor’s gift.

Ga people

The primary vocations of the Ga people in Accra now are fishing and dealing in imported commodities, but they were previously farmers. Women often handle trading, and a husband has no authority over his wife’s finances. Matrilineal descent is the method of inheriting women’s property and succeeding to the majority of posts held by women. Other property is inherited patrilineally, as is the succession to public office held by men.