Foggy day at Accra central railways trotro bus stop. The epicenter of the fog was around the GCB bank where…
Accra trotro
Find Accra trotro from our website. fares, routes, stations and stops. Regularly updated for recency and optimum relevance.
Trotro operators welcome proposed legalization of motorbike taxis
Trotro transport operators have indicated their contentment with the proposed legitimization of motorbike taxis commonly found in city squares in…
Trotro buses resume full boarding capacity
Trotro buses have resumed full boarding capacity. Seating arrangements were spaced out at the onset of the convid-19 epidemic to…
New Accra trotro station at Ayigbe town junction
There is a new Accra trotro station at Ayigbe town junction on the Ring Road West, a few meters from…
Accra trotro buses off the streets till end of covid 19 mitigation measures
Most trotro buses are off the streets of Accra because the operators say they will incur losses if they reduce…
Asylum Down to Kawkudi
Overlooking the Asylum Down suburb Fedex area from the South. The Kawkudi to Tema station trotro route lies to the…