Warning signs within the city road traffic system

warning signs along a rural road

A warning sign is a kind of sign that signals a possible danger, impediment, or circumstance that needs extra care. Some are traffic signs that warn of dangers on the roadways that a driver might not immediately see such as close to a bus schedule for bus. Although the styles of warning traffic signs vary, they often have a wide red border and a white background in the shape of an equilateral triangle.


They have a yellow backdrop and a black border in North Korea and the People’s Republic of China. Countries with red borders and amber backgrounds include Sweden, Greece, Finland, Iceland, Poland, Cuba, Nigeria, South Korea, and Vietnam. Recently, the black bear on white background on Svalbard’s polar bear warning sign was replaced with a white bear on black background. For road repair or construction signs, certain nations that typically utilize white backgrounds have switched to orange or amber backgrounds.

In certain nations, warning signs are shaped like diamonds rather than triangles. Warning signs are typically diamond-shaped and black on a yellow background in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Japan, Liberia, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, most of Central and South America, some Southeast Asian countries, and Ireland. Other nations, such as Taiwan and Argentina, combine warning signs in the shapes of triangles and diamonds.


There is typically a symbol on the warning signs. The UNECE Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals serves as their foundation throughout Europe. They frequently simply comprise text and are based on the MUTCD standard in the US.

When a standard sign does not cover a specific hazard, impediment, or condition, general warning signs are utilized. In Europe, they often consist of an exclamation point on the typical triangle symbol, followed by a local language auxiliary sign that indicates the condition, hazard, or impediment. The general warning sign in Sweden merely features a vertical line in place of an exclamation point; before the 1990s, many other European nations also adopted this type. Although it may merely include a generic warning like “Caution,” the explanatory wording is frequently put directly on the diamond-shaped sign in the United States and other nations that employ them. Pictograms may also be utilized when in proximity to bus schedule for bus.


It is possible to post warning signs on, near, or ahead of a particular problem. While bridge ramparts usually have reflective signs placed immediately on them on either side, obstacles like railroad level crossings may have many warning signs in advance. These signs may be tailored to the obstacle’s shape specifications; for instance, bridge rampart signs are frequently tall and thin to avoid encroaching on the lane.