
Trotro bus stop at Atico junction

Base facts

The farthest distance a trotro bus can go in Accra is 35 kilometers.


Never stand in front of or at the back of an Accra trotro bus that parks along the way. They may take off without warning especially if the driver or conductor senses the Motor traffic police approaching.


If you are unsure about the destination of a bus, wring your palm in the direction of the bus; the conductor will notice the gesture. He will then announce or signal the destination.


There are conventions regarding how to ask for destination of the bus. If you point your forefinger up in the direction you are going, it means you want to go to the farthest point of the route. If you point it straight, then you are asking if the vehicle is going to any of the stops along the route. If you point to the ground or a little from your feet, it signifies the next stop. If you point down, it means getting down at an unspecified location along the way. Drawing a circular shape with your forefinger in the air means the nearest roundabout or the principal roundabout on the route. This gesture has an exception because if a bus is approaching Nkrumah interchange and you perform the circular motion, it means Circle, no matter the distance or size of the roundabout.

Approaching trotros dont have destination boards to indicate route so you may need to listen to the conductor announce the destinations and stops. The format for the announcement is farthest or nearest or most popular  stop is mentioned first, followed by other intermediate stops, in order of familiarity. So it goes goes this way: Madina – Legon – 37 meaning the bus will terminate the trip at Madina [farthest point] but will stop first at 37, next at Legon.