Notice about Accra trotro fares – March 2017

Trotro bus on Ring Road West

Some drivers may have increased trotro fares in the city of Accra. They complain that the first bi-annual fare increment is long overdue whilst fuel prices keep increasing. They therefore make losses if they continue to charge old fares.

Fixing of trotro bus fares is a voluntary collaboration between government and the transport Unions. Its widely speculated that the new government doesnt want to agree to or announce an increment because it protested fare increment when it was in opposition. Analysts believe the party fears criticism and voter disappointment if it performs the adjustment which has been routine over the years.

Some trotro drivers who cant bear the loss have began charging rates they reason are appropriate. So you may pay a new fare the next time you board a trotro. Once an official comes through, we will revise the prices on our website.