Accra trotro stops

Accra trotro stops across the city. Find the right transit to your location. Accurate transportation information on Accra trotro stops.

Accra trotro stops

Post Office to Soko trotro stops

Post Office to Soko trotro stops along he coastal suburbs are: Accra Post Office UTC Korle Bu Total Awotse Kojo Plaza Mamprobi Station Sempe First Sempe Second Salvation Army Premier Soko Junction Soko
Accra trotro stops

Agbobloshie to Dansoman trotro stops

Stops for Agbobloshie to Dansoman trotro, Accra has the following  stops: Agbogbloshie Galloway Palladium Korle Bu Polyclinic Korle bu Lorry station Mamprobi shell Akoshie junction Banana inn Dansoman market Dansoman last stop
Accra trotro stops

Kaneshie to New town trotro stops

Trotro stops on the Kaneshie to New town transit in Accra route are numerous. The main ones are Kaneshie Market Station Hubtel Avalley NDC Challenge Obour Ba New Town Very busy line traversing the Kokomlemle area and winding through the dense residentials of  New Town. Low wait times for passengers due to numerous buses.
Accra trotro stops

Arena to Russia trotro stops

Arena to Russia trotro stops in the south of Accra: Arena Palladium UTC Mortuary Ayigbe Town Happy Days Gaskia Great Lamptey Zongo Junction Club Corner Flamingo Ashtown Paa Willie Russia Omanko Russia Station