Lapaz Nii Boi town to Nima is a north south transit line in Accra with the following trotro stops: Lapaz…
Accra trotro stops
Accra trotro stops across the city. Find the right transit to your location. Accurate transportation information on Accra trotro stops.
Dome Crossing to Nima trotro stops
Dome Crossing to Nima trotro stops are made up of he following waypoints: Dome Crossing Container Parakuo Christian Village Junction…
Nima to Sukura trotro stops
Nima to Sukura trotro stops are located along the southern and eastern transit in Accra: Nima Station Market Roundabout School…
Kaneshie to Sukura trotro stops
Kaneshie to Sukura trotro stops in Accra follow the south transit line through Mataheko and Laterbiorkorshie. The major waypoints are;…
Novotel to Odorna trotro stops
Novotel to Odorna trotro stops are mainly Circle Dans Bar Adabraka Market Tigo Office Accra Technical University Kinbu Novotel The…
American House to Tema Motorway
The American House to Tema Motorway trotro stops are American House Beduwa Bawaleshie Second Accra End Of the Motorway They…