Christian center to Okponglo trotro stops are: Accra Christian Centre A&C Mall Bridge Bawaleshie Acheampong Beduwa Bawaleshie First Bawaleshi Second…
Accra trotro stops
Accra trotro stops across the city. Find the right transit to your location. Accurate transportation information on Accra trotro stops.
Adjringanor Otano to Motorway trotro stops
Adjringanor Otano to Motorway trotro stops are Tema Motorway Bawaleshie Second Beduwa American House Adjringanor Otano Commuters do not wait…
Kaneshie to Shalom trotro stops
The Kaneshie to Shalom trotro stops is a mainly south transit line in Accra. It ferries passengers seeking to reach…
Circle to Orgle road trotro stops are dotted along the Ring Road Central
The Circle to Orgle road trotro stops arent as many as the bus moves through mainly the Ring Road Central…
Camara to Kaneshie trotro stops
Camara to Kaneshie trotro buses move south to north of the city of Accra. They travel through he costal suburbs…
Akoto Lante to Kaneshie trotro stops
The main Akoto Lante to Kaneshie trotro stops are Akoto Lante UTC Accra Royal Mortuary Ayigbe Town Total Pamprom Kaneshie…