Zongo junction to Agege trotro stops in southern Accra re Agege Last Stop Zone 6 Agege 205 Lotto House Bamboi…
Accra trotro stops
Accra trotro stops across the city. Find the right transit to your location. Accurate transportation information on Accra trotro stops.
Kaneshie to Osu trotro stops
Kaneshie to Osu trotro stops comprises of the following waypoints: Kaneshie Market Station Social Welfare Neoplan Paloma Multi Choice Kanda…
Chorkor to Kaneshie trotro stops
Chorkor to Kaneshie trotro stops on the southern transit in Accra are: Chorkor Chemuna Lantemame Tea garden Extra O Anna…
Arena to Zamarama Line trotro stops
The Arena to Zamarama Line trotro stops are Arena UTC Korle-Bu Barber Korle Bu Total New Station Awotse Kojo Plaza…
37 to Kotobabi Down trotro stops
The 37 to Kotobabi down trotro stops in Accra follow a north east direction. The main waypoints are: 37 Culture…
Circle Odorna to WAEC Ridge Hospital
Circle Odorna to WAEC Ridge Hospital trotro stops are Circle Dans bar Cathedral Mental Ridge Hospital Most of the points…