Agblezaah to Odorna Odawna trotro stops occur mostly on the beach road: Agblezaah Lekma Rasta Labadi Labone Sankara GBC Mobil…
Accra trotro stops
Accra trotro stops across the city. Find the right transit to your location. Accurate transportation information on Accra trotro stops.
Dzorwulu to Tema station trotro stops
While traveling on the Dzorwulu to Tema station transit line in Accra, the trotro stops at: Tema Station Tigo Office…
Abelenkpe to Accra Tema station trotro stops
Stops on the Abelenkpe to Accra Tema station line include Abelenkpe Abelenkpe Curve Abelenkpe Fire Station Railway Dzorwulu Junction Ebony…
CMB to New Fadama trotro stops
The full list of stops along the CMB to New Fadama transit is Accra Cmb Kingsway Starlite Champion Adabraka Market…
CMB to Kwashieman trotro stops
List of trotro stops from CMB to Kwashieman: CMB Gate Graphic Junction Graphic Rana Kaneshie Roundabout Pamprom Kaneshie Foot Bridge…
CMB to Kotobabi down trotro stops
CMB to Kotobabi down trotro stops: Accra CMB Kingsway Starlite Champion Adabraka Market Mr. Biggs Circle Circle Post Office Circle…