Aayalolo Bus Service

Information about the Aayalolo bus service.

Dedicated bus lanes provide quick movement of buses
Aayalolo Bus Service

Dedicated bus lanes provide quick movement of buses

The Aayalolo bus service in Ghana has a unique advantage. It has dedicated bus lanes which assure faster movement of the buses. The special lines also help the service make more trips in a day and thus provide better turnaround. WHAT ARE DEDICATED BUS LANES A transport path or bus-only path is a path confined to buses, by and large to speed up open transport that would be something else held up by activity clog. The related term busway depicts a roadway totally devoted for utilization by buses, while transport gate depicts a brief transport path frequently utilized as a brief cut for open transport. Transport paths are a key component of a high-quality transport fast travel arrangements, marking strides in  transport travel speeds and unwavering quality by diminishing delay caused by oth...
Aayalolo Bus Service

About the service. Inception, Management and Development

Aayololo is a type of transportation model called Bus Rapid Transit System which was incepted in Ghana on 25th of November 2016. The service is run by special buses that ply dedicated lanes and thus provide a speedy interruption-free bus rides to passengers in the city. The Aayalolo bus service serves the main population areas of Accra such as Amasaman, Adentan, Kasoa and Ofankor to Accra routes. This bus operates like a trotro but highly digital with smart cards, usb charging, wifi, definite route, schedule and advanced tickets. Regulation The the Ministry of Transport ( MOT), as a government institution oversees the Aayalolo operations. For both the public and commercial sectors of the economy, MOT is tasked with Developing Coordinating, and Overseeing policies and pr...
Aayalolo Bus Service

Aayalolo bus service from Kasoa to Accra

Aayalolo bus has begun a shuttle service from Kasoa to Accra. The service makes a 33.5 kilometer trip that takes about 40 minutes to complete. The shuttle moves along key stops along the route including Amanfrom, Galilea, Brigade, Tubah, Broadcasting, Ayigbe Town, Bortianor, SCC, Weija Barrier, Tetegu, Mccarthy Hill, Mallam, Odorkor, Kaneshie, Graphic Road and Tudu.