Abeka Lapaz trotro station – Opposite Tigo Total Office Accra trotroonMay 25, 2021June 15, 2022 Abeka Lapaz trotro station – Opposite Tigo Total Office is a few meters from the Abeka market. Its both a stop for the Accra Circle Lapaz trotro buses.Its a terminal as well. Related Posts:Abeka Lapaz Nii Boi Town to 37 trotro station trotro stopsAbeka Lapaz to Asofan trotro stopsAbeka Lapaz to Agape trotro stops
Accra Trotro Stations Kaneshie trotro station – Boarding to Dansoman Kaneshie trotro station – boarding to Dansoman. This terminal lies across the main Accra Kaneshie Takoradi station and board to …
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