Abeka Lapaz trotro station – Mamobi Accra trotroonMay 30, 2021June 15, 2022 Abeka Lapaz trotro station – Mamobi boards to south east Accra communities including Pig farm, Mamobi and Nima. Related Posts:Abeka Lapaz Nii Boi Town to 37 trotro station trotro stopsAbeka Lapaz to Asofan trotro stopsAbeka Lapaz to Agape trotro stops
Accra Trotro Routes Kaneshie to Sukura trotro route Kaneshie to Sukura is a southern trip across Abossey Okai and Mataheko.. There are two alternate routes. One goes through…
Accra Trotro Stations Kokomlemle trotro station Kokomlemle trotro station. Boards to New Town, Pig Farm, Dzorwulu. This trotro station is located a few meters from Tip…